
Castle clicker big red button
Castle clicker big red button

castle clicker big red button

  • field day - a situation in which the involved participants are taking advantage or having fun, i.e.
  • "This traffic goes on for days." "I went out drinkin' last night and slept for days.")
  • for days (pronounced "fuh days") - an excessive amount of or lasts forever (i.e.
  • Fall River tuxedo - a sport jacket over a hooded sweatshirt.
  • down-cellar (pronounced "down sullah") - adj., contraction of "down in the cellar", refers to being located in the basement.
  • docksiders (pronounced "docksidahs") - noun, brown boat shoes.
  • D-we - a D.U.I (Driving under the influence) "Yeah, I got bagged by the boys last night for a D-we).
  • decked - adj., dressed nicely ("decked out") past tense verb, punched (not Boston-specific.
  • cruiser - a police car, or a Ford Crown Victoria.
  • castle clicker big red button

    chowderhead (sometimes chowdahead) - often, a New Englander, at one time meant a person to laugh at or stupid person but has evolved to be a lighter term that has been embraced by those to whom it refers.Charlestown briefcase - a twelve-pack of beer.carriage - a baby stroller, or a shopping cart.bulkhead - outdoor entrance to the basement / cellar.bubbler - This is the Boston- and Wisconsin-specific word for a water fountain or water cooler.Vehicles are allowed to drive in the breakdown lane at certain hours on some Massachusetts highways. breakdown lane - right margin or shoulder on highways used for broken down vehicles.It refers to L Street Brownies, a group famous for swimming in frigid ocean waters during the winter time based at the L Street Bathhouse in South Boston brownie - somebody with a high tolerance for cold temperatures.More commonly heard in Boston’s northern suburbs than elsewhere. bopped - arrested or caught by the police, usually in reference to drug possession or possession of other forms of contraband.bozo - a pothead used mostly in South Boston.To have one's car be incapacitated by the placement of a lock on one's front wheel, usually due to one's negligence in the payment of parking tickets. To be ejected or removed from a building or event. booked - took off quickly ("We saw the cops come round the corner and we booked it.").bombed - inebriated (example: "We got wicked bombed last night!").blinker - a term for a directional (turn signal) in a car, also called a blinkah.biddy - nickname for a cheap looking girl.Harvard students that clustered in Harvard Yard were called Barneys, it was never a compliment. In the 1980s, locals called Harvard Yard "The Barnyard" because the Harvard students and their idiosyncrasies did not jibe well with the blue collars. barney - a Harvard student or graduate (used by working class residents of Somerville).bang out - call in sick to work (It's such a nice day, maybe I should bang out and go to the beach.).bang - to make a quick move (often, "bang a left" also used often as "bang a U-ie" - make a U turn) sometimes used interchangeably with hang.bagged - arrested "He got bagged for a DUI." (Driving Under the Influence).

    castle clicker big red button

    basic - not unique, pretty, or special.beat - crappy, unpleasant, or ugly (e.g.

    Castle clicker big red button